30-Day Re-Introduction Challenge: Halfway There

Many of us are at least halfway through the 30-Day Re-Introduction Challenge, and it’s great to hear of everyone’s successes so far. My only slip-up came over the weekend when consuming a lethal amount of cheese at a work party. Every time I am tempted with cheese trays, I immediately become powerless to those delicious chunks of pure joy. While many of us can tolerate dairy, I have learned through experimentation that it gives me unpleasant bouts of fatigue.

While I often long for the days of consuming dairy indiscriminately, I have come to the harsh realization that it is not for me. If after 30 days something still feels out of whack with your well-being, consider an elimination diet of certain foods one at a time until you can pinpoint the problem. You will thank yourself for it in the long run.

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